Force Orders 1936_39 X No. 39. Date. 9th lay, 1936. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN S OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABUL6RY. The ChiefConstablewishesa11 Officersto cultivate the habit of makir.gnotes in theirpocketbookswheneverthey meet with a kaownor suspectedbad characterat suchtimes,or undercircumstancesae may be deemadworthyof note. A 1ooa1thiafaeen out late at night,when there ia no yeaaonto believethat he is goingout or has beea out o£ his own district, is obviouslyof 1oca1interestoalyand shouldbe aotedas auch. In othercasesit may happenthat the knowledgeof an Officerin oae part of the Countymay be usefulin connectionwith o i èoommittedelsewhereaad particularattentionis directedto personsunderthe followingheadings. (1').fiNOYNOR SUSPECTEDTRAVELLINGCRI INALS.. Any personfoundtravellingthis Countywho is to the 1mawledge of any Officeromewho has bean convictedo£ seriouscrimeor is oie who, for goodreaeoas,is euspectedo£ criminaltendenciee. (2) . BN07PNOR SUBPECTED LOCAL C1 IMINAL4. Any knownor suspected1oca1cri inal(includingonewho usually staysin a certain1ocalityin lodginghousesetc.,and ie more or less regardedae-.a1oca1oFfender)who is foundto be travellingotherparts • of the Countywhere his identitymay not be lmawnor who, for some unaccountablereason,is knownto bQ absentFrom his usualhaunts.. (3). ANY INFOR 9ATI0NYrHICHMAY AS32ST IN THE PREVENTIONAND DETECTIONOF cRIME. Any otherinformatioawhiohmay assistin the preventionand detectionof crime,suchas motorvehiclessuspectedof being used to commitcrime;premisesbeing used for cr3minalpurposessuch as coiaiag,or 'receivingstolenproperty;changeof addresaof any kaawn criminaletc. In any suoh cases(as eet out undar (1) and (2), informationehould be sent directto laad Quarterswith the leastpossibledelay on Form C.I.D.24.,and a copy sentto DivisionalHeadQuartersfor the informationo£ the Superintendent.Any informatioaconsideredto be of a more urgentnatureshouldbe telephonedthroughDivisional dead Quartersto.ReadQuartersand confirmedby Form C.I.D.24, as above. Four specimensshowingtypeso£ informationconeidereduseful (2) are beingissuedto everyOffiaerand shouldbe filedfor future reference. kpecimensnumbered1 and 2(1 knowntravellingcriminal), (2 suspectedtravellingcriminal),çontaintypesof informatioa whichshouldbe telephoaed.SpeaimenNo. 3(Loca1 offendervisiting otherpartsof the County)ehowsthe type o£ informationwhich, whilstvaluable£or recordpurposes,is not eo urgentand aeednot be telephoned. SpecimenNo. 4(Other criminalintelligenoe) which,unlessthereis neadfor ixxnediataection,shouldnot be telephoned.