Force Orders 1936_38 X No. 38 Date. $th y 1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN$3 OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. F I N G E R P R 2 N T S The ChiefCoastablehas observedthat fingerprintsof personean custodyare not reachingHeadquarterefor a coasiderabletime after the personsare disposedof. This defeatsthe objectof the FingerprintDepartmentat Headquarters,as aay identificationmade from the Sceneso£ CrimeFi1e would be afterthe personwas dispoeedof and wouldmean instituting furtherprooeedings. 2£ a personconsentsto have his fingerprintstaken,three sets wi11 be taken,one copywi11 be forwardedto Headquarters,one oopy to Now ScotlandYard,and one oopyto Wakefield,by thatnight+spost. Fingerprintformsfor C.I.D.Headquarterewi11 not be retainedin Divisionsuntilthe oaee is disposedof. If"theC.R.O.and W.R.C.zvnnbersof tho personsare not ]Q owawhen the fingerprintformsare forwardedto Headquarters,the particularswi11 be submittedas soonas they are receivedfrom New ScotlandYard, andlYakefield.