Force Orders 1936_32 X No. 32. 14thApri1,1936. CIRCUI,ATEDTO ALL RANS3OF TIE CHESHIRE CONSTAHULAßY. DETECTION OF CRI E. CIRCIILATIOFN INFORMATIOANND SEARCHOF 1.0.RECORDS. CIRCULATIONOF INFOR JAT20N. whenevera crimeis reportedand circulationis desiredoa Da11y Informationt,he Constablereceivingthe reportwi11 i sediatetleylephone the particularsto DivisionalHead-Quarters, andthen informhie sectional Officert.hathe has done so. Themessagesahouldbe preparedto includea11 informationavailab1efor circulationbeforetheyare telephoned. The attentionof the Constabularyis drawnto GeneralOrder47-35, which outlinesthe principleof centralcirculationo£ information. SEARCH OF M. O. RECORDS. The ChiefConstablehas observedthatwheneverConstableereceive a reportof a c me,they firstcommunicatewith theirsectlonalstation, and the informat3omnay ormay not be forwardedto Divisione.Hlead-quarters for a searchof the 1.0.Records. The ChieFConstablethereforedireotsthatany Constableto whom a crimeis reported,andwho, afterinvestigating the cidre,is of the opiaionthatassistancecouldbe obtainedfromLI. Records,wi11 telephone directto DivisionalHead-quarters for a searchto be made in L4.0.Records, and then informhis SectionalOfficerthathe hasmade sucha request. If DivisionalHead-Quarters thickthatHead-Quarters can assist, they shouldtelephoneto C.I.D.Head-Quarters1,.0.Room,end requesta eearch. The ChiefConstablewi11 very shortlysupplycertainSectioaal . Stationsin the Countywitha box and cardsfor 1.0. purposes,in addition to the tableat DivisionalHead-Quarters.