Force Orders 1936_31 X No. 31. Date. 9th Apri1,1936. CIRCIILATEDTO ALL RANKZ OF TIE 011Es- IRE CONSTABULARY. P R 0 M 0 T 2 0 N 5. The followingOfficeris promotedto the rank oP Superintendentfr on 1st May, 1936 .- ChiefInspectorFrank LionelJackson. The followingOfficeris pramotadto the rank of Inspector£rom 1st May, 1936 .- No. 240 SergeantGeorgetiYakelin. The followingOfficer1s promotedto the ranL-of Sergeant from 1st ].iay, 1936 .- No. 447 ActingSergeantThomasDavies.