Force Orders 1936_30 X No. 30. 3rdApri1,1936. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. TELEPHONE LISTS. A listhas beenpreparefl of a11 the Stationswherea telephoneie now installed. ' The listhas beenpreparedon a largecardboardsheet and also on a foldingcard. Copiesof the largecardboardsheetare forwardedherewith and a copyof suchwi11 be suppliedto eachStationconnected with a telephone. Thislistwi11be dieplayedin closeproximity to the telephone. A similarcardenclosed1n a A4apcasew311 be issuedfor use in MotorPatroland C.I.D.Carsat an earlydate. A sufficientnumberoP oopieeof the £oldingcardis forwardedherewithto. aupplyone copyto aachmemberof the Con labu- ]arywho wi11 carrythe aamein hia PoaketBook ooveyfor ready re£erencewhenrequired. Aay alterationsor additionsto the telephoneliatwi11 be immediatelryeportedto this Officeby the Superintendenctoncerned. A11 membersof the For¢ewi11 be circularised when thereare a y alterationsor additionsto the telephonelistand suchamendment wi11be madeby eachOfficerto the listin his possession andalso to the listat the Stationswheresuchare displayed. Y