Force Orders 1936_26 X No. 26. 25thffiarc1h9,36. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF THE CHESH7&E COHSTABULARY. . The ChiefConstabledirectsthat everyOfficeron joiningtha Forcesha11obtaina Certificatein FiretAid to the Injuredwithinthe firsttwo yeare'ofhis service. Afterfiveyearsof receivinghis firstCertificate he wi11 takeadvantageof a refresherclassto obtainhis second certificate. Aftersevenyearsof receivinghis secondcertificate he wi11 takeadvantageof a refresherclassto obtaina Medallion. EveryOfficerunderthe rank of Inspectorwi11be ex- . pectedto havea Medallionwhen he has fourteenyears'service; thosewho havethis lengthof eerviceand havenot got a Medallion wi11take i med5atestepsto obtainone. Superiatend ntwsill submitto Headquartertshe names o£ Officerswho obtainthe aforeeaidcertificates and reportany Officerwho failsto camplywith thisOrder. .