Force Orders 1936_24 X No. 24 Date. 24th$arch 1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RINKS OF THE CHESHIRECONBTIBULARY. DUTY CHARTAND INDEXTO OCCURRENCES POL2CEINFOEMAT20NSL2P. The ChiefConstablehas forwardedto Diviaionsa supplyoT •the abovewhichhe directswi11 be takenintouse on and from the 1st Apri1 1936by everymemberoP the CoastabularyexceptC.I.D.and P1ainClothes Constablesand Motor Patrols. . . DUTY CHARTAND INDEXTO OCCURRENCES. The instructionsas to the use of the Duty Chartare printed thereinaad are self explanatory. POLICEINFOR dATIONSLIP. The entriesin the "PersonsVPanted"sectionwi11 be talcenfrom "Dai1y7 form .tion ","PoliceInformationsand Publicationa"and will be number doonseoutivelyin Column1. The timeand data the informationis receivedwi11 be shownin Column2, with a brief referenceto the eourceof information,which wi11 be requiredfor referenceaad caacellationpurposes. In Columi3, "PocketBookReference"wi11 be enteredthe page in the Constable'sNote Book in which the Constablehas made any entryae to enquirieshe has made for the personwanted. The othercolumnsof this Sectionare self explaaatory. , SPECIALFEATUREINDEXTO WANTEDPERSCNS. In thisSect onwi11 bo enteredanythingfrosia given descriptionof a personor propertywantedwhich the Constableconsidersmay be an aid to his memory,or an outstandingfeatureof the descriptlon.The peculiaritywi11 be enteredin the Indexoppositethe appropriatelotter, togetherwith the consecutivenumbarof the entryin the "PersonsWanted" Sectionto which.itrelates,thus forminga qu.ickcross-reference. The remainingSeotionsof the book are selfexplanatory.