Force Orders 1936_22 X No. 22. 21stMarch,1986. TO BE C2RCUTATEDTO ALL RANKS . OF TOE C iESHIRE CONSTABULARY. DIV1520NALAPPLICATIONFOR STATIONERY. TheChiefConstableforwardsherewitha aupplyof Application F ms which are to be usad when nm.king applications for stationery. It is the ChiefConstable'sintentionthatapplications should be forwarded to this Office Quarterly, and that eaoh DivisionalOffice,Sub-DivisionaOlffice,SectionalSergeant, (whenbe holdea separatecomma d)R,ura1Sergeantsoi Rura1 Constablesshouldmaka applioationfor the stationeryrequired fortheirrespectivestationson7y. In de to avoidthe applications baingreoeived from the whole of the Couaty at the s me time, Quarterly dates are allottedto Divisionsm whichto make applicationas follows:- ) App1y on 1st Apri1 for etationery required in Apr11, May andeJune. Broztoa. ) " 1et Ju1y " " Ju]y,Auguetaad ) September. Altr mh m. ) " ist October " " October, Na em e ) . andDeoember. Maccleefiek. ) " 1et Janua ry " " January, February ) audMarch. )App1y oa 1et May for stationery required in May, June and Ju1y. Dukinfleld.)" 1stAugust " ." Auguat,Septemberaud ) October. Crewe. )" 1st November " " November,Decemberail ) January. Runcorn. )" 1etFebruary " " February,MarchailApri1. )App1yoa 1st Junefor stationeryrequiredin June,Ju1yailAugust. Northwioh.)" 1st Septomber " . " September,Octoberand . ) November. W1rra1. )" ist Deoember " " Decembar,Januaryand ) Februa ry . • Eddis bury.) " 1et March " " Maroh, Apri1 ail May. (1) No. 22 . 21st ?Aayoh, 1936. ( 2) The etationaryrequisitioned for wi11be the minim for the ®ff ective running oP the respe tive stations and a11 applications wi11 be submittedthroughthe supeintendentof the Divis ion. 2t is not the ChiefConstable'swishthat any station should be kept short o£ stationery, but a11 Ron]a3 muat realiae thatvastagewi11 aot be oountenancedand a periodicalcheokof atationeryiasuedarr1used,willbe made fromth3s Office. Divisionswhosequarterlydateefor appl oatioi do not cooxoence forthwith wi11 continue to send in requisitions for atationeryas heretoforeuntilsuchtima aa the quarter day arrives,and than as per the aboveallotteddates.