Force Orders 1936_19 X . No. 19. 16thMarch,1936. TO HE CIRCULATED TO ALL RA.NKZOF THE C SHIRECONSTABULARY. If a fatalaccidentoocurson a road the firstduty of the Policeis to removethe corpae£rom the road and placethe body, coveredup, in as secludeda placeas possibleto awaitthe ambulance, which should be i di .tély sent for to take the body to the N'ortuary. Uader no circumstancesshoulda bodybe left on a road to awéitthe photographeror to takemeasurements. A chalkmark outliningthe positionof tha body or a mark made with a£lint is quite eufficient£or the purposeso£ measuremente.' ' 2n casesof injurythe injuredshouldbe the firet concernof the Police. ú ÿ. /d2 i \*\ - ' 7'« l