Force Orders 1936_18 X r CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANRS 0? THE CHESHIRECONST BULARY. No. 18. 12thMaroh,1936. F2NGER PRINTS. wheneverfinger-printsare foundat the sceaeof a crime, or on articlesconnectedwith the crime,and are photographedby the Of£icialPhotagrapherin Divisions»or sent to Hartfordto be photographed,a list of personssuspectedof havingcmnmittedthe offencewi11 be forwardedin duplicateto C.I.D.Head-quarters,together with two copiesof the finger-priatsof a11 personswho may havehad legitimateaccessto the articleon which the finger-printeare found. The liet of suspectswi11 i.ncludethe C.E.O.aume , sud W.R.C. number. If theseare not kaovrn,the particularsof the last known convictionwi11 be stated. OfficialPhotographerswi11 forwardto C.I.D.Head-quarters, 6 copiesof the photographstaken of any finger-printsfoundat the scenesof crime. A comparisonof the finger-printfound,wi11 be made with those of the occupiers'etc at C.I.D.Head-quarters,and if found identical, theywi11 be returnedto the Dï isionconcerned. If not identical,a searchwi11 be made in the collectionof singlefinger-printsat C.I.D.Head-quarters,aid any resultvri11be i m ediatelytelephoaedto the Divisionconcerned. If the printscannotbe ideatifiedat Head-quarters,theywi11 be forwardedto C.R.O.and Wakefield,from C.I.D.Head-quartersfor search,and any inforazationreceivedas to the identitywi11 be 3mmediatelytelephonedto the Divisioncoaceraed.