Force Orders 1936_14 X No. 14. Date. 22ndFebruary1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RÀNRS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. ALTERATIONSIN POLICEDIVISION5AND POLICEESTABL2SRMENT. In accordanoewith the decisionof the Ste.ndiag Joint Committoeat a Meetingheldoa 18thJaauary,1936,aadwith the approva1 of the 'cue Seoretary oa 15th February 1936, the Middle PoliaeDivisionwi11 from 1stMarch,1936,oeaseto be a separate Divisionaad willbe amalgamatedwith aad formpart of the present NorthwichPo11ceDlviaion,andbe uaderthe ohargeof the Superinteadent at NorthePiohw,ho wi11 be responsiblfeor a11 Polioemattersand Courtwork arisingin the Division. An Iaspeatorinsteadof a Superintendanvtr].1b1e statioaed at Middlewioh,aad he wi11 occupythe preseatSuperiatendent1Qsuarters there,beiagia chargeof the MiddlewiohSub-Divisioaand respoaaible for the keepingof tha usualSeotionalBooks,eto., A11 DiviaionalOf£ioeBooksaad Forms,togetherwith the uaclaimedproperty,surrenderedfireanns,etc.,wi11be removedfrom Middlewichto Northwichfor the purpoaeof beingusedor retaiaedfor referenoeat the DivisionalHead QuartorsOffioe. No furniture wi11 be removed,otherthaawhat is necessaxyfor Offioepurposes. The Superintendent of the naw NorthwichDivisioawi11 reporton 16thMaroh,1936thathe has takenovera11 the CourtRoom aad PoliceStationfurnitare,clothing,equipment,eto.,etc.,of the o1d Middlew2chDivisioa.