Force Orders 1936_13 X CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN S OF TH CIEkKIRE CONSTABII7ARY. No. 13. 22nd February,1936. WIRELESS VANS. i A iYirelessvan wi11 visit each Division3n orderto give an opportunityfor everyOfficerto recognisethe van. The Officer 3u chargeoP the vaa '‚111give a ehortaddressexplainingthe scope and use of a wirelessvan. Every Officershouldnote the numberof both aaa in his pocket book, eo that if a wirelessvan happensto be passingand he hes: anythingoP importanceto reporthe can otopthe van and informthe operator. Any Officerwho for Po1icepurpoeesis need of a lift and a van is passing,ie authorisedto stop the van. The Officerin chargeof the van wi11 determinewhetherthe requestcan be cauplied with or aot. "ihetherthe requestis compliedwith or aot, the Officermaking it wi11 rendera reportto h1s Suparintendeatand the Offloerin a argeof the Van will make a reportto the Superintendent at Altrinchemfor transmissionto Headquarters. When it is necessaryon acmematter of urgenoyto move several Constablesfrai oae part of a another,the kupeintoodeot at Altr nchamie authorieedto eanctionthe use o£ a Van oa the requeat of anotherSuperintendent. The Superintendentat Altrinchamwi11 reportto HeadquarterG the aumberscarriadand the reasonthereof. If at any tima it is requiredto gat in touchwith a wireless van, a telephonemessageshouldbe sentto ManchesterCentral1212 - thla is the telephonenumberoP HeatonPark1YirelessStation- who wi11 on receiptof a telephonemessage,wirelessto the van or vans. VVhena Constablereceivesiaformationof a stolencar,that hae onlybeen stolenjust priorto the receiptof the informaton, he shouldimmediatelytelephonepartioulareto ManchesterCentral1212, in additionto telephoningto the Headquartersof his own Division,so that the iaforma.tioacan be wirele sedover a wide area. The Constableshouldaubmita shortreportto Headqivrters statingthe time the Car was etolenand the timo he telephonedto Manchester. 5uperinteädent and seniorOfficersin casesin which persona are identifiableör stolenpropertyis easilyidentified,should telephoneNlanchesterCentral1212 for wirelesscirculationwhere "timeis the essence"and speedyand wide circulationindicated. In theae casesa reportshouldba sentto Oeadqi'arterssettingout shortparticilarso£ the descriptionreliedupoa axidthe relavant times.