Force Orders 1936_12 X •% Humber 12. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANRS OF TRB CRESHIRECONSTABUL6RY. 22 dFebrunry,1936. E ATdINATIONFOR PROL40TION. The ChiefConstebleiateadeto hold aa exem3nat3oa for Coaetableswith four years serviceand over,who des1re to sit to qunlifyfor the rankaof ActingSergeantaad Sergeaat. Constableewho desireto eit nt thie examinationwill .reportthroughSuperintendentsso as to reachthis Officeoa , 7th Elaroh,1936. Constableswho have alreadysat and passedan examinntioa wi11 be requiredto pass this e emia tioabeforethey caa be consideredfor promotloa. The examinntloawi11 coa i tof:- Ode paperon PoliceDuties, OBe paperon DiseasesoP Animale,nnd One paperon Arithmetic. The remniningeubjectslaiddown in the Regulationwill be vlva voae. Failureto pass the questionsoa PoliceDuty will be deemedto have failed1n the exomination,whilsta Coaetnble who fails on the Diseasesof Animalepnper,or Arithmeticon1y, will be a11owedto take thosesubjectea xt year. -)