Force Orders 1936_08 X No. 8. 20th January,1936. TO BE CIRCULATED TO ALL RANSSOF Tim CHESHIRE CONSTABDLt1RY. The StandingJointCommitteehave authorieedthe paymento£ £4. 17. 6d to twenty-fiveActingsergeantsfrom the 1st February,1936. 0n1y the paidActingSergeantswi11 be recognised officiallyas ActingSergeants. The unpaidActingSergeantsmay retaintheir striposif theywish to, but theywi11 be treatedfor purposesof Policework as Constableeand wi11 be referredto in officialcorrespondenceaa Constables,and wi11 signa11 documants aa such. • The Suparintendentmay utilïs®them, 8 he daems fit, aa the seniorConstableof a Sectionin the absenceof the Sergaant- Promotionto Sergeantwi11 be made from amongthe paid ActingSergeant . Beforethe Chie£Constablemakesa paidActingSergeant he wi11 firstreviewthe cla msof thosewho have bean unpaidActing Sergeantsbut he would emphasisethe factthat havingbeen an unpaid ActingSergeantis not in itselfsuf£iciento justifypromotionto paid ActingSergeant. The fact of havingpaasedan examinationand ' havinghad the commandof oneman ie not by itselfsuffioientgrounds for promotionto a paidActingSergeantwith a c i a dof at least fivemen or importantclericalwork, or employedon detectiveduties- 1n consideringpromotion,kwwledge of Policematters, personality,the powerto instructothers,and to oam andthem,and otherattributeshava necessarilyto be considered. , No. 8. 20th January,1936. SHEETN0. 2. PaidActing5ergeantswi11 be deamedto be on probation for one year. The Chief Constablehopeethat nov+the rank o£ Acting $ergeontie made ona of importance,and receivosgood ranuneration that thosewho desireto attainthis rankwi11 redoubletheir e£fortsto improvetheirknowledgeon Policemattersand by their exampleand generalbehaviourahowthat they are worthyto be considered.