Force Orders 1936_07 X No. 7 Date. 22nd January1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANHS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. DEATHOF HI5 GRACIOUSMAXIEkTY ING GEORGEV. In consequenceo£ tha abovelamentableocourrenoe,the ChiefConstabledirectsthat the UaionJaakvri11be hoisted half-maethigh from su -riseto sun-setat PoliceStationsuntil after the intermentof our late GraciousSovereign. The Chie£ Constablealso directsthat the 5uperinteadents aad Inspeatorsof the CheshireConstabularyr .11,from this date, when in uniform,appear3n mourixingfor His Late Most Gracious Majesty%ing GeorgeV, of blessedmemory. M.ouraingoonsistsof a band of crepe$ iacheswide, neatlyetitchedon the left arm, halfway betweentop of sleeve aad elbowpoiat,and tha wearingof blaak gloves.