Force Orders 1936_06 X • No. 6. Date 18th Janu xy,1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RLNOBOF THE CIE31IRE CONkTABUL&RYTRROUG DIV iBIONAL H&ADQIIARTERS. The ChiefConstabler®gretethat it is necessary to draw atteationto the followingpaxagraphain the DieoipllneCode .- Any menber of a police force coconits an offenae against dieciplineif he is guiltyof. .- (6) Breachof Confidence.That is to eay,if he - (a) Divulgesany matterwhich it is his duty to keep secret,or (o) }Pithoutproperauthoritycozootunicatesto the . publicpress,or to'anyunauthorleedperson, any matteroonneotedwith the force,or (d) tiVithoutproperauthorityshowsto any pereon outsidethe forae,any book gr w8ittenor printsddocumentthe propertyof the Police Authority. There avebeen breachesof this Regulation,aud the ChiefConetablewiehesit to ba clearlyu ier toodthat any memberof the forcewho ie foundto be guiltyo£ a breaoh ' thareofrendershhiself1iableto diamissal.