Force Orders 1936_05 X , No. 5. Date.14thJanuary,1936. Ciroulatedto a11 ranks. POLICE NOTICE INDEX BOOKS. The ChiefConstableforwardsherewitha supplyof Police. NoticeIndexBooks,and he directsthatthe samewi11 be takeainto use by C.I.D.Officers,PlainClothesOffiaeraand MotorPatrols. The Nota-bookeat preeantin usewi11 continueto be uaedfor the purpoeeof enteriagtoursof dutyand thetaldngof stat®meats. Thenew Po11oeNoticeIndexbook containsaeveacolumnsia the frontpartof the book and an alphabeticalindexat theend. The Columnsare usedae follows .- Column1. is ueedfor the coaeeoutiveàuubarof the aotice. Columa2, showsthe placeof origino£ the notioe. Columa3, thedate of the notice,the monthbeingeataredat the top of the aoluma. Column4, M.F.C.denotesMa1e,Female,Child,and personsdeecrlbed in a noticeareshewnia the oolumnby the iaitialletteror letters. If it e deeiredto entera noticein the Book wheretwo men and a womeaare described1t wouldbe entered thue :- "2 M. 1 F".,andthe entrycouldbe.foundvery quicklyby thisrefereace. Columa5, wi11 shewthe initialletteror lettereof tha person's eurnameor aliases• Thefu11 nameof the personwi11 be enteredin the alphabeticalindexand thereforethe£u11 neme is not neaded1n the column,thusif a pereonnamed Jo nFralkerwas described,the letter"W" ehouldbe enteredin the column. Columa6, refersto the "Rey"ehawaon the insideof the frontoover of the Book,and the entryin this oolumnw111 be the approprlateletterand £igureaccordingto the purporbof tha notice,e.g.,if the noticewas one describinga oaseof housebreaking the entrywouldbe 0.3. Co1umn7, The entrieain thisool mmwi11be at the discretionof the Officermakingthe entryaadwi11 dependlargeljr on th® iatelligentand efficieatway in whichabbreviated particularsare eatered.An abbreviatedModusOperandi o£ the off®nce,or deeariptionof the personreferredto may be useful,aleothe numberof the noticeor information. The iaitialletterof any inforimtion enteredin the alphabetiaalindexsri11aleobe entered in this column,e.g. "E.S.F."would indicatethataome matterwas referredto undartheaelettersin the indexas for instanceEye,Soar,Foot. Date.14th January,1936. ( 2 ) The alphabeticalIadexwi11 be used for the names of persons or any outatand ngfeatureor partioularreferredto in Police Notices. The nameso£ personawi11 be enteredoa the righthand page i.e.,underthe iadexlebter,and the outstandingfeatureor particularon the lefthand page i.e.,oppoaiteto the moies,aad not on the reversesideto the aamea. Shoulda personreferredto in aoticebe knownby more than oae name,that peraonwill be indexedundereach aame. 2f a PoliceNoticeor Infonnationwae circulatedfrom Birkeaheadoa the 2nd January1936,describinga man nemed John Burnsh3tiYilsoa,waated on warrant£or obtainingaashby means,of a worthlessohequeit wouldbe indexedas follows .- No. VJherefrom. Date. M.F.C. Initial. Sey. Particulars. . 10. Birkenhead. Jany 2. M. BSP. . F.1. Route7. Obt' caeh w'1esacheque.36. 5'5" b1d. E.S.F. Entrieeia the alphabetical3adexuaderthe appropriateletter wouldb® ehewathus .- "E" . Eyes sunken 10. "S". Scar rightoheek 10. "F". Feet - tenderfooted 10. Separatepagesare providedia the alphabeticalindexfor "Accenta","Boars","Tattooma.rks",and "Motorvehicles." When a notiaewhichhae been enteredin the book ie caaoelled, a11 entriesreferringto that noticewill be ruledthroughin red ink or red pencil. . , The DetectiveSuperintend ntwill arrangefor Detectives, P1ain Clothesaad MotorPatrolOfficersto take their Note-bookto InspectorTay1or,at The Reor'iits'Room,GrosvenorGarage,Chester, for inspection,eaohmonth. ' `lhen2nspeotorTay1oris satisfiedthat an Of£iceris fi113ag in the Note-bookcorrectlyhe wi11 excusehim a moathlyins and inspeoth1s book oaly on the 1st Jaauaryeaoh year. ‚7 / 65c / 4 : , " G