X GENERALORDERS. by MajorJ.Becke,O.B.E. No I Chief Constable of Cheshire. County Constabulary Office, Chester. Date 1st January, 1936. 5u a o 6.0. 2al . DIARI S AND NOTEBOOKB. Commencing on the 1st. Jan'ary. 1936, e revised system of recording the duties p�rformed by members of this Force wi11 coir.e into ope a'ion. The present Note600ks wi11 be discontinued, and the new Diary Notebooks, a supply of whichisbeingforwardedtoyou,wi11be broughtintouse. . Thc $uper ntendent wi11 be responsible Eor the proper keeping oE the Diary Notebooks, and an lnspector, or when no Inspector, the Sergeant, will examine, initial and date them once a month. When a Diary Notebook is {u1l, it must 6e signed 6y the Inspector or Sergeant, and handed back to the orncer to be retained by him for reference. The follo'yng points must 6e strictly dbserved :- The first half of the new Notebook wi11 be used as a Diary; the sec�nd half wi11 contain gen�ral notes and original statements. . y. . . .The first page wi11 contain the name of the station, date 'commenced and finished, and th� of(ice s name and nutnL'er. R page of the Note600k is numbered : the number of the page of each statement written in thc second half must be given as reference in the first half -6f the book, and vice versa, v ' - . ;, ? . A line must ' be drawn across the page [o separate each day's �nt�ies, and onc c1ear line left before entering the next day's events. ; 1t is essential that the records should show the complete action taken, e.g., Summons served on Monday - Declarationmade Tuesday. Arrest made on Monday - result shown on the day decisio `is given. A, y : i < ,. ...: .ri,  �' q , Any �ancella[ on mus.t-be:made ac ss fhe original entry in red ink. ' - . . A11 visits y ' e io offi r wi11 be reco rded 6y tHe pe reo v sited and 6y the visiting o} ce4in their Note600k, as and when they oc�u . t'� � ` --4 - �A11 fixed points made by constables dwing a tour of duty wi11 be shown in the Diary portion oE the book. . 1n order that easy reference may 6e made to cases appearing in the Noteboolr, th� names of a11 defendants entered therein, together with the dates of hearing and manner of disposal of the cases,wi11be indexedattheend oE thebook. ' Original statements, when not taken on the form pro .ided, must 6e made directly into thenotebook.0n no accountmust scrapsofpaperand jottinbgo.oks6c used. A11 statements mus[ be encered in the Notebook in the da� s evcnts on which they are actually taken. Absolute accuracy is essential in making a11 entries. Thc Diary Notebooks are vcry important documents, and a11ofBcers must realise to the fu1l their responsibilities in espect thereto, ad ensure that a1 entries are compl�[e, , , .VS /