Force Orders 1935_93 X GENERALORDER No. 93 o£"1935. Issuedon 10th February,1938. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANILS OF THE CHESHIRECONkTABUL&RT. DESTRUCTIONOF DOCUMENTB. ( GeneralOrders1935 ) A11 rankswi11 at once checktheir GeneralOrdersfor 1935 and muet be in possessionof CeneralOrdersfrom 69 of 1935,dated1st October1935 onwards. Ay GeneralOrdereissuedpriorto 1et Octobar 1935,whiohmay be in a ma&s possessionor includedia any station Officefilingsystem,must ba retaiaedfor the present. Instruction containingthesewi11 be issuedat a laterdate. Thie GeaeralOrderwi11 be insertedin the GeneralOrder file imm diatelyafter No. 92 of 1935 - the lastGeneralOrderiseuad in 1935. To emble this to be donethia GeneralOrderhas been numbared93 of 1935aad wi11 serveas a recordof the 1935 General . Ordersfrom 1st October1935,which shouldbe in possessiono£ the Offioerconcerned. InspectorsshouldchecktheirSergeants1filesand Sergeants shouldoheoktheir Constables'filesand satiefythemselvesthat they are ia posaessionof a11 the GeneralOrdersorderadto be kept and that thoseorderedto be extractedand destroyedhave been so dealtwith. When this checkhas been carriedout the statementat the . end of this Orderwi11 be signed. Afterthis checkno excusacan ba acceptedfor any . deficiencies. Exceptat Headquartersand Di sionalHeadqusrtersOffices, where a11 files muet b e c omplete, the following General Orders for. 1935wi11 be exbractedand destroyedforthwith .- ( 2 ) GENER(LLORDERSfor 1935to be DESTROYED. No. 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89. TheseOrdersv 11 be destroyedby firewithoutdelay. GENERALORDERSfor 1935to be PRESERVED. No. 69. Appointmentof Chie£Constable. No. 73. Remandaid Tria1- Prieonere'PrivateCash. No. 77. Doge for Police Use. No. 78. AccidentRepor6s. No. 79. TelephoaicCirculationo£ SeriouaCrime or loss o£ liîe atherthan by ExpressMessageor Agility..kchemeand the two supplementefor Areas 2 and 3. No. 80. PoliceHouses. No. 81. Drivingo£ CountyownedMotor Cara. No. 83. PoliceOfflcers- Drivingof MotorVehicles. No. 84. Takingo£ Statements. No. 85. A&ninisteringa Caution. No. 90. ExpressMessageSchemeand list of key poiats(2 sheets) circulationscheme. No. 91. Year1yExami t o o£ Membersof the Force. No. 92 Commandsand Educatioa. No. 93. Destructionof D •-7f 5 % . ' ief Constabla. o• 2. 3b_). * Statementto be complatedafter compliancewith the aboveOrder. GeneralOrderNo. 93 of 1935 compliedwith on (date) . Exanniced (date) 5ig at ur e . signature.