Force Orders 1935_92 X No. 98. D te. 27th December,1935. Afterthe ist January1936,every Inspector,Sergeantaad paid ActingSergeantwill have a definiteoom a dand interal a v 11 be held e po ei lefor the eduoationand trainingof thoseuadertheir command. , 14henan Inspectoror Sergeant,oran ActingSergeantgives a lectureto thoseuaderhim, the fact that uohLecture or Inetruction has been givenshouldbe reoordedin the notebookoP those present. Nvery In pector,Sergeantand ActingSergeentshouldfrom time to time give thoseumderthemwritteneducationalqueetlonsand correct the3ranswersaad the Constableshouldcopy out the correctedanewer fi1® it. The Inepector,Sergeantor AotingSer6eantshouldfile the questionsand model answersat theirStationso that if the ChiefCoaetableshouldhave caueeto oomplainof the lack of Imowledgeo£ any OfFioer,the Inspector,Sergeaat,or ActingSergeantwill have dooumentary proofthat he hae done his beet to improvethe k¢owledg®of those servinguaderh1m. . The ChiefConstableca.nnot&iphasizetoo stronglythe fact that a y Officerdesirousof promotionmust satisfyhim that those he coconandshave benefittedby his leaderahip. Be£orea Sergeantie fit to becomeaa Iaepectorand oc ®a d 15 to 30 Constableshe must have shewnby his oaannandof 6 to 10 Contablemthat he ie fittedfor a higherca wand.