Force Orders 1935_89 X No. 89. Date.26thDecember,1935. WIRELES3 - MORSE TEST. POBTM&ZTERGENERAI.'5 CERTIF2CISTE. The ChiefConstable3e pleaaedto inti ate,for the informationof the Constabulary,that the undermentioaedmembere of the Foroehave been successfulia passingthe Postmaster General'eTest in aendingaid receivingMorsesignalsand such Officereare thereforequalifiedto operateaay 1loeaeedPo11ce WirelessStatioa. I DIVISION. NO. RANflAND NAME. Altrinchaa 151 ConstableG.R.Ashley. Altrinoham 335 CoastableA.J. Collineon. Duklnfield 409 ConstableE.G. Carblidge. Duklnfield 491 ConstableE. Clough. The ChiefConstablecongratulatesthe Officersconcernedin taesingth3s izportanttest. ‚ 4 N V /E G * 2 7-/2-35'- . /