Force Orders 1935_87 X No. 87. Date 23rd December,1935. The ChiefConstablewishesa11 memberaof thé CheshireConstabularyand theirfamiliesa 1lerryChristmasand a Happy New Year. ' The ChiefConstablehas been very impreesedby the willingneeeshownby a11 ranksto try aad carryout his wishes to improvethe generalkaowledgeon Policematters. He ie confidentthat by demonstratione,magic lanternlectures,mock trialsand instructionalmemorandathatwith that spiritof willingnesstha standardof knawledgeand efficlencyw111 improve. He is equallyconfidentthat as Officersimprovetheir knowledge they wi11 becomemore intereatedin theirwork and wi11 realise thatwithoutknowledgethey cannothope to deal successf1x11yvrlth. the detectionof crime.. He would like to take this opportuaity o£ thaakinga11 ranks£or theirco-operation,and he hopeawith betteraoco mnodation,more up-to-dateequlpment,sounderorgaaisat on, a.nd with improved 1mawledge, that 1936 'v-111 herald ia increasedefficiency.