Force Orders 1935_86 X No. 86. Date18thDecember,1935. CHESHIRECONSTABULARYPROVIDENTFUND. CHESHIRECONSTABULARYBENEVOLENTFUND. Referringt GeneralOrderNo. 69/1935,aad to 2demo from thisOfficedated14th November1935,ia connectionwith the above,the followingMembersof the Forcewere electedas Representativeos£ theirrespectiverankson the Conoaittee formedto administerthaseFuuda .- lnape torW.S. Maaniag InspectbrE.C.`Smith In pe torW. Gregory No. 240 SergeantG. Wakelia No. 98 SergeantJ. Finch Yo. 26 SergeantS. Worth No. 291 SergeaatT. Athron Ni. 445 SergeantF.E.Thomas No. 465 sergeantE. Swain No. 16 sergeantJ. Canham No. 273 SergeantJ. Gladetone No. 149 SergeantJ. Hunt No. 174 SergeantC. Smith No. 2 SergeantF. Birtles No. 166 ConstableR.G.Buckley No. 303 ConstableG. Gregory No. $26 ConstableW. Lowe No. 435 CoaetableJ.D.Bebe11 N6. 161 ConstableD.E.Sproeon No. 476 ConstableC. Birtles No. 467 ConstableR. Jacobs No. 136 ConstableJ.P.Goulden No. $02Actiag5ergea t?.Dutton No. 8$ ConetableR. Robineon No. 177ActingSergeantF.Hunt AltrincbwaDivision Crowe Division Runcorn Division HeadQuartera BroxtonDivieion AltrinchamDivision EddisburyDivision Crewe Div.ieion Middlewich Division North'vicDhivision WirralDivision MacclesfieldDivieion RunoornDivision. HeadQuarters BroxtonDivision AltrinchamDivision EddisburyDivision ' CreweDivision Middlewich Division NorthwichDivision WirralDivision DuldnfieldDivision. ,"accle fiDeilvdision R noornDivision.