Force Orders 1935_83 X No. 83. Date 2nd Deoember1935. POLICEOFFICERS - DRIVINGOF IAOTORVEHICLES. •The ChiefConstablev+ishesto impressupon a11 driversof County' ownedcars, and a11 PoliceOffioerswho drivetheirown cars that as Policemen it is not onlytheir duty to rigidlÿoomplyw1.ththe Road Traffic Act and otherregulationsenacted,to ensure the safetyof the roads,but it.isequally their duty to set ariexampleto otherdrivers. A PoliceOfficerwho disregardsthe Law meritssevere punishment for by virtueof his officeit is a duty imposedupon him by the State to upholdit. . A PoliceOfficerwho disregardsthe Law not oily layshimself open to punishment,butbrings discrediton the Force,an d does . irretrievableharm to the reputationof the Force. ' The ChiefConstablawishes it c1early underetoodthat he expects driversof Countyowned cars,and PoliceOfficerswho drivetheirowm cars,not oily to rigidlycomplywith the Law, but to set an exampleto otherdrivers. . Driversof Countyowmed cars are on1y authorisedto take as passengersthosewhom they are detailedto take - otherthan thesapersonsno cïvilianor Constableis permitted to ride in a County owned car withoutthe perm3ssionof the superintendent.