Force Orders 1935_82 X No. 82. Date 29th November1935 EXAMINATION No. $ SergeantJamesAlfredTaylorend No. 64 SergeantHartholomewO'Sulli anhave paesedthe qualiiying examinatioato the rank of Inspectorin accordancewith • Section29 of the PoliceRegulationsof the 20thAugust1920. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N SergeantJamesAlfredTay1oris promotedto the rank of Inspectorfrom the 1st December1935,and is placed in chargeof the traini gof the Recruits. If any Officerwishesfor advioeon any educational matteror would like adviceas to a courseof study,or has any diffioultywhich he would like explained,he shouldwrite to Inspector'J.A.Taylor,CountyConstabularyOffioe,Chester, who wi11 be on1y too pleasedto try and helphim.