Force Orders 1935_81 X No. 81 Date 19th November1935. DRIVING OF COTN TY Ol`1NED1.':OTORCARS. The Chie£Constabledirectsthat no man is to drivea Countyowaedmotorcar unlesshe is in possession of written authority£rom the Clef Constableso to do. 8uperiatendentswi11 submitto this Offioethe names af Constablesin theirDivisionswho are oompetentto drivemotor cars,and who are in possessionof DrivingLicences,so that the necessaryauthorityto drivePolice cars in cases of emerganoy, can be given. BeforeSuperintendentsinstructa Constableto drivea Countyowmed motor car, althoughhe may be in possessionof the Chief Constable'swrittenauthorityso to do, they must satisfythemselves that he has in force a drivinglicance. Further,it must be alearly understoodthatao Constableis to drivea Countyowned motor car unless,in additionto his baing in possessiono£ the necessary authority instructionshaveb een given by the superintendentof the Div-ision.