Force Orders 1935_80 X . No. 80 Date 19th November1935. POLICE H 0 U S E S The Chief Constableswishes a11 kuperintendentsto énde to Headquarterson the first day of each Quarter a report in duplioate • on all houses in their respectiveDivisions. This report 'd.h be sub-dividedas follows :- (a) County owned property. ( ) Cou ty 1ea'sedproperty. (c) •Rented property. The reports shouldbe drawn up in such a way that they show together a11 houses that are entirely satisfactory,those houses which can be made so, settingout what improvementsare necessary,and those houses which are hopeless. The latter class must be reduced as spaedily as possible. Everyeffort must be made to obtain suitable houses even though this may entail moving a man to a different1ooality in his sub-séct on. 2t wi11 be sufficientfor a kuperintendentin his report so £ar as a11 houses which he coasidersare entirely sati faotorÿare concernedmerely to mention that they are so, an d then to mention in detail those houses which are not satisfactorystatingwhy, and whether any steps have been taken to improve them. Superintendentsby periodicalinspectionof a11 houseswill satisfy themselves that they are in good order, and if any require internaldecorationsuch as papering or painting•o£such a naturethat the man could do the work himself, the ChieF Constable is prepared to obtaia for him the necessarymaterialsto do the work. In sucha case two estimateswi11 be obtainedand submittedto Headquarters. In the case of repairs to gratas, ranges, coppers and such like the Superintendent' i11 report to Headquartersin duplicate withoutdelay so that the matter can be attended to. In such a case the Superintende twi11 mentioa in his Quarterlyreport that a report on a particular defector need has alreadyb een made. He ill also report when the matter has been attendedto, or if not attended to v .thinone month, or before, where the need is úrgeat,he wi11 send a reminder to Headquartersin duplicate. In the case of urgent repairs to County owned property such as loose slates, burst pipes, damaged chimneypots &c., the 5uperintendent will have the matter attended to without delay and report to ffeadquartars having done so. If he is in any doubt about a matterof an urgent nature he may telephoneHeadquartersbefore he has the matter attended to. In the casa o£ rented property in need of urgent repairs.the Superintendentwi11 see the 1andlord or his agent without delayan d endeavour to have the necessary repairs carriedout before further 1 . • damage is done. 5uperintendentswi11 realise that if these instructionsare carried out their adverse comments oa houses in their Quarterly reports wi11, in the majority of cases have already been the subject of separate reports. They wi11 mention in their Quarterly report the fact that a separate report has already been n endered. Tha Chief Constable wi11 continue his inspectioaof a11 houses, but has no doubt he wi11 find that any defectshe discoverson these inspectionswi11 already have been reported to him by the Superintendent. kergeantsand Inspectorswill co-operatewith the Superintendent and wi11 draw his attention to any defectswhich they think ca11 for attention,or whioh the Constablemay mention ta them. In the opinion oP the Chief Constable,a three bedroomed house is essential for a suitable Police house, and there must also be a bath as wa11 as modern sanitary conveniences. Every effort must be made to obtain this class of house. The Chief Constable realises in rural districtsa house with a bathroom may not be procurable,but a house v .th$ bedrooms should be. V7herrian Officer changes houses the kuporintendentwi11 inspect the house and report, on Form 1.1, whether or not it ha been left clean and habitable. The Chief Constablehopes that every man and his v .fe wi11 take a pride in their house, but he is determinedto ensure that the good tenant is not discouragedby taking over a house which has not been properly looked aftér. As the housing conditionsimprove tEa Chief Constable confidentlyexpects that a11 ranks wi11 do their utmost to maintaia a11 houses in first olass condition. 2.