Force Orders 1935_79 X $"‚ aP o G.o. 3 l4 , No. 79. Date 15th November,1935. TELEPNONICCIRCULAT20NOF SER20USCRIMEOR LOSS OF LIFE OTHEATIiANBY EXPRESSMESSAGEOA AGILITYSCHEME. **** **+++ +++**+ +** GeneralOrderNo. 265/29,and StandingGeneralOrder No. 26/30;are h®rebyoaaoelled. The ChiafCoastabledirectsthatwheneverkuperintendents receivea reportof a crimeor seriousoccurrence3n their Divieion,theywi11 carefullyconsiderwhetherany usefulpurpo ewi11 be servedby circulatingthe informationby telephoae. The ChiefConstableie of the opinionthat the points to be oonsideredare .- (a) I the propertyidentifiablefrau the deeo ptiongiven. ( ) Can the wantedpersonbe identifiedor tracedfromthe informationavailable. (o) Does the inforoationoontainmatteraboutwhich an Officer can be reasonablyexpeotedto make an enquiry. Wi11 the lcwwledgethat a crime of a oerte.inkindhae been ca mi tedene.bleOfficersto preventa repetitionof that classaf crime. Overwhat areathe iaformatioashouldbe oirculatéd. For'thepurposeof circulationthe Chie£ Constabledirects that telephonicinformation,otharthan by ExpressMessageor Agility8chemewi11 be dividediatothreeareas. Looa1 Circulation,which will includethe Divisionconcerned, adjoiaingDivieionsin the County,adjoiningDivisionsof other CountyForcesor adjoiniagCity or BoroughForces. The areawi11 be at the disaretionof Superintendenteand it is to be understoodthat Superiatandentsmay in addition, telephoneto any plaoewhere they considerthe infoxrnation shouldba eenthavingregardto the circumstanceso£ the case, and the 3nformationin their possession. CheshireC1roulationwhiohwi11 iacludee11 Diviaions,and . a11 Cityand BoroughForcesaituatewithinthe County. Cheehireand adjoiniagCouaby C3rculatioawhichwi11 include a11 Divisions,City and BorcughForcesin the Countyand in the adjoiniagCouatieso£ Lancashire,Denbighehire,Flintshire, Shropshire,Staffordshir®,Derbyehireand the West Ridiago£ Yorkshire. . In the event o£ Superintendentsraquiringcirculation of informe.tionoverArea No.2 or 3, the par6icularswi11 be telephonedto the ChiefConstabl&sOfficeand tha message wi11 be prafacedwith the words "To a11 Chie£Constablesand Superintendents£rom the superintendentof Division'1, and themessagewi11 ead with thè numbero£ the area over whichthe Superintandenwtiehestha informatiocnirculated. Themessagewi11, if coneidereda euitàblemessage be telephonedfromthe ChiefConstable'sOfficein accordancewith the attachedrota. If the meesageie acceptedae a suitablemeesage for circulatiotah® Superiatendenrtequestingthe circulationwi11 Jnonediatetleylephonethe informatiotno those placesallottedto his Diviaionin the rota. kuperin.t'ndenwtisl.l knbwby the prefaceof the messagefromwhichDivisionthe ca11has originatedand it wi11 notbe necessaryfor that Divieionto be.coneiderad when the messageis beingcirculated. It wi11 be obse edthatin Area No. $ the following çountyHeadQuartersare infdrmedas fdllows .- Weat Riding,Wakefield,by AltrinchamDivision. Derbyshireby BiacclesfieDlidvision. Lancashireby Runcom Division. Staffordshire by CraweD vieioa. BroxtonDi .sion, and the.ChiafConstabl®has been informedby the Chief Constablesof theseForceathat the iaformationwi11be forwardedby themto the Cities'andBoroughein 'their.' respectiveCountieaon request. . Flintshirewi11be informedby the WirralDiviaion and Denbighshire by BroxbonDivision,and as City or BoroughForcesin théeeCountiesit wi11be sufficiento requeatcirculationthroughoutthe County Force. In the,caseof ocour enceewhichinvolvethé,tracing or followingup of motorvehicles,the routeby whichthe partiaula vehioleis 1ikelyto travelmust b® bornein m1nd: Superintendentmsust use theirdiscretionin thls matterandmay telephoneto any parbicularplaceimmediately, but to avoidduplicationwhen givingthe meesageto the ChiefConstable'sOffioe,the placasto whichthe message hae been seatfrdmthe Divisionwi11liestated. 2f Superintendentrseceivesucha messagefrom aaotherPoliceForcawitha requestfor circulationin the County,the messagewi11 be telephonedto the Chief Constable'sOffic®for circulationoverArea No.2,but it must be rememberedthatmanymessagesreceivedby Superinteadentfsromadjoin3ngForcasmay onlyrequire "Loca1Ciraulatioa". Cancellations. The Superintendent of the D3v3eiontelephoningthe 2. messageto the ChiefConstable'eOfficawi11 be reeponsible for its oance11at1oawhichwill Fo11owtha route of the originalmeeaage. The telephonlocancellationvri11be confirmedby the SuperintendentaendingForm DD/4 to a11 p1a'cesahovnion the rotasin Areas 2 or $ as the oaaecay be, and to any other Forceto whom the Superinteadentsentthe originslmessage. 0N S ',., 1 /5'. /l35 - N C S -äi .'-. 3. CIRCULATIONOF SERIOUSCRIME,OTHERTRAITBY E PRESSMESSAGEOR AGILITYSCHE . WITHINTHE COUNTYAND TO ADJOININGCOUNTIES,INCLUD2NGCITIES& BOROUGHS. AREA. 3. 8ESWALL R dCORN . WAKEFIELDCounty. D CINFIELDDIV. hiACCLESFIELD DIV. I OLD. WALLASEYBOROUGH. BIRKE0fiEAD BOROUGH. fPRESTONCOUNTYHEAD QUARTERS. iLNORTHVrIC DIV:EDDI5BURYDIV. STOCKFORTBOROUGH. STALYBRIDGEBOROUGH. HYDE BOROUGH. jDERBYCOUNTYHEAD QUARTERS. 1 NfACCLESFIELDBOROUGH. CHESTER Head Quarters ALTRINCHALU. CRE14E. BROXTON. STAF ORDCOUNTYHE D QUARTERS. MIDDLEMCH DIP. CONGLETOIdBOROUGH. S R)•:4V5BURYCOUNTYHEAD QUARTERS. T 2E AAP . CHESTERCITY. • • CIRCULATIONOF SERIOUSCRI E» OTHER THAN BY EXPRESS SSAGEOR AGILITYSCHEb]E. WITHIN E COUNTY AREA 2. ( AI.TRINCHAM HE5INALL RUNCORN CREVJE JDUXINFIELDDIV iACCLESFIELDD2V JWALLAsEY BOROUGH BIRKENHEADBOROUGH R WI DIV. EDDISBURYDIV. 1I )DLE "fICH DI4. CONGLETONBOROUGH. rSrOCKFORTBOROUGH• {LSTALYBRIDGEBOROUGH. HYDE BOROUGH. MACCLESFIELDBOROUGH. CHESTER 1 (HeadQuarters) BROXTON. CHESTERCIfrY. • • •