Force Orders 1935_78 X : No. 78. Date13thNovember,1935. l ACCIDEINT REPORTS. ********************* The followingpoints1n connectionwith accident reporteshouldbe bornein mind .- Accidentsof a simplenaturewhereno personal injuryhas been causedandvrherethereis no questionof proceedingsfor aarelesaor dangerousdriving,canbe reportedto Ieadquarteorns DivisionalForm1.23and neednot be aacompaniedby any statements. Shouldthe statamentebe subsequently requiredtheywi11be asked £or,and thenthey canbe copiedoutfromthe Official note-book. Thisparticularlyrafersto accidentswhere dogsare involved,and in the case of minoraocidents whereonlyslightdamageis doneand the partiesconcerned, thoughtheyhave exchangedaamesand addressas, reportthe lncidentto the Police.,Anotherinstance wouldbe a casewhereon1yonevehiclewas involvedand therewere no personalinjuries. Aa regardsFormM. 23 the followingpointsshould be noted£or compliance .- In Paragraph1 the day of theweek shouldbe added- in a11 reportswheredatesare referredto the day of the week should be given. In Paragraph2, it shouldbe statedwhetheror not the placeis in a'built-up'area or otherspeedarea. when possiblethe road classificatiosnhouldalsobe stated. In Paragraph3, the v dtho£ the vehicleshouldbe givenbut oalywherethatfaot is materialsuchas in a caseof 'cuttingin' or wherea collisionoccurein a narrowroad. When givingdetailsof the 'typeof vehicle' the unladenweighto£ goodsvehiclesshouldbe given. It shouldalwayabe statadif a motor-cycleor mo6or-cycle combinatioawae carryinga pillionpassenger. In Paragraph12 it shouldbe made clearby which vehiclethemarksare supposedto havebeenmade. A11 ranksmustbe carefulto distiaguishbetweenskid,brake or tyremarkeandwill set out invrhichcategorythe marks fa11. 0n the sketchtheirleagthand distance.from a givensideof the roadwi11 be given. 1. In Paragraph16 the direction£rom which the véhicle came as we11 as to where proceedingehouldbe given. In Paragraph19 the time and date the Constable arrivedon the eceneehouldbe addad. A sketchshouldaccompanyeach accidentreport. This need not be alaborate. In fact the more simpleit ie the better. It ne®d only conta3nsufficientdetailto substantiatarelevantpointsbroughtout in the report. As in any forniof sketchthe key shouldb® lettered alphabeticallyand signedand datedby the Officerwho hae made it. The gradientwi11 be shownon the sketch statingwhetherit risesor fa11efrom the poiatof the accident. The distancethe road ie straightin each directionfrom the aceneof the accide twi11 also be shorvnon the sketch,also if any crossroadeor otherroads are flear.y . . Neitherin the reportnor sketch,nor for that matterin any otherreportshouldthe eigns ' or " be uaed,alwayewrite ' feet ' or ' inches'. Nhen referringto a particularside of the road alwaysindicate in which directionyou are facing- not rightor 1®ft, wrong side or rightside,but £or exampleaay 'right hand side £acingNorthw3ch''. If an accidentocaursnear a passengercrossing, or automaticsignals,thie shouldbe indicatedon the sketoh. It is very conveniento be ab1e to f3x the exact 1ocalityof an accideat. This can oftenbe shownby referenceof the sketchto a signpost,a mile stone,or to a telegraphpole number. Such a directionis very helpfulto enyonereadinga report. At the top of the sketchmust alwaysappearthe date aad place of the acoideator subjectmatter o£ the sketch. when a Constableia reportinga conversation of a partyto an accideat,he shouldetateif the other party'vaspresentor not. A11 statements,whetherreferringto accidents or aot, shouldcomme oewith the fu11 Christiannmmea, kurname, Age, Occupatioand fa11postaladdresso£ the Witness. The caamonseüseof the averageOfficerw311 enablehim to avo3dany tactlessanquiryas to tha ag® o£ a personia caseswhere such a queetion may be res®nted,and wi11 in sucha case give the app ox mate age of the ti9itness.ktatementsahouldconcludewith the day, date,time and plaoewherethey ar® takenand ead with the rank, aumber aad mote of the Officer taking the statement. Frequently it is vary helpful to 1 o how long a persoahas been driving,aad ia the case o£ 4 a pedestrianor otherwitaessnot actuallydrivingat . 2. . e the timewhetheror not tha Yritneescan drivea motor vehiclehimeelf. It shouldbe made clearwhetherthe Vritneasis indepeadentor not, and if not with which partyto the accidentis he connected. Policemenshouldaot use suoh expressionsae a 'terrific'apeedbut shouldgive an approximatestimate when they can. 8ometimesin motoraocidentethe road ie out of repair,or thereis ice oa the road and ao gravel. 0n ao accountshouldthe Constablecommantto the Motorist or anyoneelee on the etateof the road. . It must be clearlyunderetoodthat Constables m"st confinetheircommentson the stateof the roadto theirreportand not to expresstheiropinionto anyone e1ae. - Superintendentsmuet scrupulouslyexaminea11 fatalaccldent ,reportsand wi11 give the3r opiaioaas to whetherproceediagsehouldbe institutedor aot. 2n the caae of a11 reportscoatainingallegatioas o£ dangerousor aarelessdrivingthese ahouldbe sent to Head Quarterswithineightdays of the commis ion.bfthe allegedoffence. Thiswi11 enab1ethe statutorywarning noticeof intendedprosecutionto be sent from Headquarters. If it a not possibleto completethe reportwithinthe time then the lncompletereportwi11 be sentwith a nota aayingthat it is inoompleteand settingout why proceedi gsappearto be desirable. Thus,the warninglettermay stillbe sentand the inoompletereportwi11 be returned to the Divisionto be completedand re-submittedwhen ' completefor the finaldecisionas to prooeedingsto ba made. This proaedurewi11 be followedin the oaea of a11 reportsoa casesoccurringon or after 1st December1935. Fromthat dateno furtherwarniagsof intandedprosecutions wi11 be issuedby Supêrintendentafor offencesaga a t SectionsII aud I2 of the Road TrafficAct, 1930. When an accidenthas occurredand the Superiatendent thinksthat the hedge or coraerat the placeof the accident couldusafullybe lowerad,he shouldtry and get this doaeand stat®on the reportthat he has been successfulor otherwise. R®ports,however,must not be undulydelayed on this account,but a eecondreporton the resultof the stepstaken shouldfollow. . The ChiefConstablewishesit to be clearlyundaretoodthat the pointshereiaset out are iatendedfor guidanceaad are not to ba takena an indicationthat the subjectof aocidentreportsis of more importrancethan otherbranchesof Policework. Neverthelessthe taklag o£ statementsand the maldngof Sketches,ae we11 as the requiredattentionto detailshouldbe ueefulia the trainingof Constablesand fits them for this kind of work 3. . in connectionwith the more importantdutiesof crimiaalinve tigat on. Membersof the motor patrolor of the C.I.D. ehouldaot uauallybe employedin the work of the ordinary acoidentreports. .w 4. ; 1