Force Orders 1935_77 X No. 77. Date 11th November,1935. DOGS FOR POLICEUSE ETC. The 5tandingJointCo m itteehave authorisedthat twentydog liceneesshouldbe paid and that an allowance of £5. a yearbe grantedto twentyOfficerswho have Police traineddogs. . The ChiefConstablehas satisfiedhlmaelfthat the followingOfficersposaessdogsthat can be used on night patrol .- No. 9 ConstableGoldstraw, NorthwichDivision. No. 146 ConstableWilliams, - do - No. 281 ConstableN. Penney, DukinfieldDivision. The above-nanedOfficers‚vi11have the licenseepald for their dogs from 1st January1936,and wi11 draw the £5. yearlyallowance,paidQuarterly. The ChiefConetablehopesthat otherOfficerswi11 try and qualifyfor this concession. He has no doubtthat a traineddog playsa very importantpart on nightpatrol for it is a protectionto its master,searchesoutbuildings and thickbushesmore efficientlythan a Constablecan and is a usefula11y in casethe Constableis attacked. Any Officerwishingto qualifyfor this ooncession shouldapplyto the ChiefConstablewho wi11 sanctionthe paymentof the dog licenseif he is satisfiedwith the type of dog, and wi11 sanctionthe £5 yearlygrantwhen he is satisfiedthat .- The dog ie disciplined. Wi11 comewhen called.' Wi11 followbehlnda bicycle. Wi11 searchoutbuildinga. W111 remainon guardwhen told overa bioycle . or by a door. The ChiefConktablehopesthat these conceesionswi11 encourageOfficersto keepdogs,to disciplinethem,and uae them on nightpatrol. The Dog licensesof the three Conatablesmentioned w111 be forwardedto this OfSicefor sanctionfor payment.