Force Orders 1935_75 X No. 75. Date 6th Novembar,1935. R iISTICEDAY - 11TH NOVEMSER,1935. YPithregardto the obeervanceof the "twominutes eilence"on ArmisticeDay, it is my wish that a11 ran]swi11 observethe two minuteso£ quietwithoutmovement,and further,each individualmemberof the Forcewi11 uee his pereonalinfluenceto induceothersto do the same. There is no objectionto a Constablewho is on beat or patrolduty and is standingateady£or the two minutes; holdingup his hand to pedeetrlansor driversof vehicleswho may be moving1n forgetfulnessof the ocoasion. Thie signal is to be adoptedfor the guidariceof the publicand Constables wi11 use theircommonsenseand discretionin the matter. A11 olockeand watcheaehouldbe carefullyset on the 10th Novemberat 10.0 p.m.