Force Orders 1935_73 X No. 73. Date 31st October,1935. REIA.ND AND TRIAL - PRISONERB PRIVATE CASH. The Sec etaryof Statehas drawnatteationto the • practicein cer6ainPoliceDistrictsby which any money found in poesessionof a prieoneron arreatis retainedin Po11oe custodywhen he is committedto prisonon remandor for trial and is not forwardedto prisonunlesshe is convictedand senteaced to a term of imprisoncient. Althoughthia practicemay have cerbainadvantageafrom the point of view of the Police,it is apt to createdifficulties in that it may preventa defendantfrom takiagadvantageof facilitieswhichwould otherwisebe availableto him ae an unconvlctedprisoner. The Ru1esmade underthe Provisionsof the PrisonAct o£ 1877 allowa prisoneron remandor awaitingtrial to purchase hie own food if he wishesand to providehimselfwith newspapere and othercomforte,and arrangementehave naw been made by which unconvictedpriaonersare gi.venfacilitiesfor smoking. The objeatoftbeseRilesmay be defeatedif a prisonersprivate cash is retainedby the Policeuntilafterhis conviction. In view of the foregoing, where a prisoner is remanded to prisonor committedfor trial,the lockupkeeperwi11 see that any cash£ound in possessioncf a prisoneron arreetwi11 be forwardedwith him to prison»unlessthere is good reaeonto believethat it fonnipart of the proceedsof any offenceswith which he may be charged.