Force Orders 1935_72 X No. 72. Date 29th October,1935. • VAGRANCY ACT, 1824. BLEEPING OUT. Referringto GeneralOrder$6/1935,the Home Office have intimatedthat the Billto emendthat part of section4 o£ the VagrancyAct, 1824,which dealswlth pereonswandering abroad,etc,haa paesedthrougha11 ite etagesin the House of Lordswithoatamendmentand receivedthe Roya1Assent. The Bi11 has, therefore,now become1aw. A copy of the Act of Parliamentrelatingto the amendmentis forwardedherewithfor each superintendent,and w111 be filedat DivieionalHeadQuarters. 1;•\