Force Orders 1935_69 X No. 69 Date 1st October,19$5. I have to-dayhad the honourof being swornin as the ChiefConetableof the CountyPalatineaf Chester- It is an honourwhich I very much appreciate. 2t 1e an addedpleasureto me that Iam succeeding my o1d friendCaptainA.F. Hordern,A.F.C.,who in a 1ittle ovar a yeer has done euch rernLrkablework for the welfareand ef£ibiencyo£ the Force. Any aystemintroducedby CaptainHordern,any policy enactedby him may be taken as approvedof by me. Any conc ssionor privilegewhich he has grantedway be sanotionedby me. ,-Game ,sporta,and recreationgenerallywi11 receive encouragementfrom me. It wi11 be my duty to developalongthe lineswhich he has so ab1y startedand it 111be my ambitionto make the CheshireConstabularya 1eadlagCountyForce,both as regarde its education,training,and abilityto investigatecrime, aa we11 aa regardsits accommodation,houseaand equipment- Thie ambitioncan on1ybe fu1fi11edif I have the whole- • heartedeupportof a11 rankswhloh I have evarycon£ideace wi11 be glvenme.